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Pump run dry, Boris Johnson thinking Army to drive fuel trucks

Grants Shapps, Transport Secretary refused to take out asking military assistance after lines for the pumps remained on the weekend.

After days of panic buying, Boris Johnson is thinking of sending Army to pass fuel to petrol stations. Panic buying makes some pumps ran dry. Business Secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng is selecting to exclude competition laws for the fuel industry to support suppliers to fill stations which running lows.

Pump run dry, Boris Johnson thinking Army to drive fuel trucks

On Monday, Boris Johnson might be taking the extreme step of sending in the Army to drive oil tankers by a lack of HGV drivers. It happened after there was pressure heated over in lines at pumping stations across the capital.

Kwasi Kwarteng version to fill the fuel

Mr Kwarteng stated that there has always been and remains to be lots of fuel at refineries and terminals, the government are informed that there have been some issues with supply connections.

“This is why we will set the protocol to guarantee the industry can participate important information and work together more effectively to guarantee disruption is lessened,” added him.

Grants Shapps’s thought to fill the fuel

Grants Shapps, Transport Secretary refused to take out asking military assistance after lines for the pumps remained on the weekend. Mr Shapps also don’t think of hesitation to import foreign labour to solve the HGV driver lack. The plan is by producing 5,000 three-month visas to bring in extra hauliers to address delivery burdens.

It would fix the “100 to 200” fuel tanker driver shortfall, and only supply when needed to help ease the lines.

PRA chairman Brian Madderson explained oil companies were giving refill priority to motorway service stations as road users crowd to stuff up their tanks.

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