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Working in italy

Working in Italy: infamous Italian post tries nepotism

20 April, 2020
This will only make sense if you understand Italians. According to reports, the Italian postal service, Poste Italiane, is offering nepotism as a solution to its older and more expensive workers. Elderly postal workers will now be able to offer…

Barbara Berlusconi graduates with top honours amidst controversy

28 March, 2020
Silvio Berlusconi’s daughter, Barbara Berlusconi, has graduated in philosophy at Milan’s San Raffaele university with top honours but not without controversy. Clearly being the prime minister’s daughter (and just any prime minister, we should add), there were whisperings that she…

Thief steals 600 euros in coins from Trevi Fountain

24 March, 2020
I would never have had said that stealing coins from the Trevi Fountain could be as lucrative as this, but Roberto Cercelletta, our crime in Italy profile for this week, managed a full 600 euros before he was arrested. Cercelletta…