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Funny videos

Michael Jackson vs Mr. Bean on a Vespa

21 April, 2020
This cute little animation video should brighten up your Friday morning, with the one and only Mr. Bean who gives up his British Leyland Mini to ride a vintage Vespa scooter to take on Michael Jackson and match his dance…

Valentino Rossi – The Dancin' Doc

8 April, 2020
The guys over at RacingReality having a little fun invented this 3D video of Valentino Rossi strutting his stuff in a dance routine.It’s a cute and original vid, but we just hope never to see a retired Rossi in something…

MotoGP riders Moonlighting at Chippendales ®

30 March, 2020
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!MotoGP riders moonlighting isn’t a novelty anymore, we saw the Yamaha riders do it between races, but maybe this is just taking it a little too far. One word of warning if you don’t like male…

Video: Motorcycle racer feigns fainting after crash

27 March, 2020
If you’ve ever seen a soccer match, you’ve see even million dollar players dive to the turf and begin holding their leg or foot and scream bloody hell or grimace in pain only to bounce back a couple minutes later…

Smokin' Rubber

15 March, 2020
Just once in awhile, I like it when show offs end up loosing it.