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Bat boxes in Rome to fight mosquitoes in the Italian summer

Rome might be turning into a Dracula city this summer in Italy with bats being bred and installed around the city to combat mosquitoes.
Apparently each little bat eats up to 2000 insects a night, making them an effective solution to managing the mosquito population.

Ater is the institute for managing state housing in Rome, and its president has said that the bat population is part of a program of protecting and respecting the environment, using biological means to control the mosquito population.

Bat boxes have been installed in the Corviale district of Rome, in the first experiment of this kind in the Lazio region.

Tuscany, Trentino Alto Adige, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, the Marche and Liguria have already started the initiative in some districts, while in Tuscany you can even purchase the bat boxes, available in supermarkets.

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