Italy’s most famous actress is Monica Bellucci, according to international news reports which place her above even Sophia Loren – Italy’s sexy actress timeless icon.
Bellucci wins out despite films from Sophia Loren including Two Women, Ieri Oggi e Domani and Marriage Italian-Style.
After the jump you can find video extracts of Loren’s films, with the Italian actress at her most seductive.
In Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow there is Loren’s famous strip tease, which was recently reproduced on Italian television by Manuela Arcuri stripping.
Bellucci’s title of Italy’s most famous actress comes from monitoring international press news from the New York Times, Le Figaro, Variety and Hollywood Report, among others.
While the title might not comfort Bellucci after the the theft in her Parisian luxury apartment, we can enjoy a gallery of images of both Bellucci and Loren as you decide who is Italy’s most beautiful, and legendary, actress.