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Crashproof bike fails test: video

This incredible video is so bizarre that I don’t know what to make of it….
Hoping the guy is okay, though, it almost seems like a spoof because really – could anything go this wrong when filming? The idea is that TFKL engineering has developed a crashproof bike that sends information from an on-board computer to the rider’s helmet, thus avoiding hazards and obstacles on the road, specifically cars that might run into you.

You can see what’s going to happen when they introduce the demonstration that they are going to undertake with a car driving down the road and not looking where it’s going.
I can’t find TFKL engineering on the internet so have no information about its prototype or whether the company exists.

Check out what happens in the video and whatever the case, it proves that crashproof computer technology just doesn’t work.
Thanks to Craig for sending it through.

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