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Marc Marquez still suffering from double vision (w/video)

Marc Marquez was this year’s Moto2 runner-up and had to concede the title at Valencia to Stefan Bradl without a fight following his crash at Sepang that left him with vision problems.
The last news regarding his conditions was late last November when his team manager Emilio Alzamora informed fans that Marquez was still unable to ride during the three day Moto2 test at Jerez as his double vision still hadn’t cleared up completely and now almost half a month later he still sees double, but the situation is getting better.

In a string of radio and television interviews Marquez admitted that he’s still not fully recovered from his October 21st crash, but his eyesight is getting better, “I still see double but I’m starting to train with a motocross bike.

The important thing is that I’m recovering and I’m almost ready.
”If you understand Spanish you can watch Marquez’s interview with Cardena Ser radio station after the jump.

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