Categories: Health & Wellness
22 May, 2020 12:35 am

How to resolve test anxiety in school-aged children


© Alex France (Flickr) Exams 🙁 [Day 12]
© Alex France (Flickr)
What is exam stress?
Anxiety before exams

The first thing to remember is that it is normal for your child to feel nervous or anxious before a test or exam. As a result, they may feel tired, worried, anxious, under pressure or confused and may not act like themselves and while a bit of pressure is good as it will encourage to revise and do the best they can.


However, too much pressure or anxiety can be counter productive as it can mean that your child is unable to concentrate on their revision or are so worried about the test that they actually make mistakes in it. However, there are ways of dealing with it and you can help when it comes to reducing anxiety.
How to overcome nervousness
People often deal with their anxiety in a negative way by not studying properly because they feel they are going to fail what ever they do or even missing exams with the worry.


However, as a parent you can help them get through this difficult time.

Communication with the child

The first step is to sit down and talk to your child and find out what is wrong and work out ways to cope. You can also point out that you too went through this when you were at school so, you understand what they are going through, and maybe pass on some of the anxiety tips you were given.

Supporting the child

It is also vital that you are there for them when they need you even if it is just to listen to their worries and hopefully teach them how to overcome nervousness.

Study and planning tips

You can also help teach your child how to study well, so get them to plan ahead and create a revision timetable which should also include breaks in it so that they don’t burn out.

Test preparation at home

You can also help them sit mock tests so that they get used to test taking and learn all the test skills they need. Their teacher should have old papers and you can easily recreate test conditions at home.

Proper diet

On the day of the test itself, things like giving them a good breakfast and reassurance go a long way to calming your child down and then, at least you know that they are well fed!

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