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Why exercising makes us happy

Keep in mind, that exercising every day without rest is not the solution to our problems, and won't make us happier. Indeed, the study mainly refers to walks, easy runs or bike tours.

Exercise! This is the watchword. A study unveil that exercising is the solution to most of our problems. Nonetheless, is also the secret to be happy.

Here’s one of the major life questions: are you happy? There’s only one possible answer.

If we want to be happy we need to exercise. To claim it is the scientific research published on PLoS One conducted by Cambridge’s University researchers. Indeed they’ve analyzed the level of correlation among the quantity of movement we do during the day and the degree of life satisfaction.

And result speak out themselves, clearly stating that the more active we are the greater our happiness rate.

Why exercising makes us happy ?

In addition, some epidemiological studies proved that those who exercise the most are at a lower risk for anxiety and depressive disorders. But, the problem with the study intercourse with its validity. Indeed, run with surveys, relies on people’s memories and impressions and not on concrete data. Therefore, for conducting a study which saw involved a large number of participants, they’ve created an Android app which is freely downloadable from Google Play.

How does the app works? This randomly sends to users questions during the day asking to rate their current mood. In the next phase the app provides a graph which shows you when users appear to be more stressed, tired, happy, relaxed, depressed and so on. After several weeks, when users start becoming more confident with the app, can start answering more specific questions. As an example, how long have they been sitting or standing, how many minutes have they run, walked or rested; and finally what are the main activities they’ve been doing in the last 15 minutes.

Study results: exercising makes us happy

The experiment lasted 17 months; and noticed that when users where rating their happiest moments, corresponded to when their phones where registering any kind of activity. Therefore resulting in a high correlation among movement and happiness. To note, this was independent from the day of the week, no matter if it was weekend or working day, the results remained the same. In addition, researchers also found out that those who are more active consider their life much more satisfying compared to those who always sit.

Keep in mind, that exercising every day without rest is not the solution to our problems, and won’t make us happier. Indeed, the study mainly refers to walks, easy runs or bike tours. Therefore, being happy is not that difficult as it may seems…


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