To open up london, Mr. Khan stated that covid vaccines roll-out must significantly rise.

As per covid vaccines reporting done on 15th June, 2021, London, a special request for Moderna and specified covid vaccines of Pfizer have been made by health chief. This step is taken to ensure high covid vaccines intake by individuals.
The extra covid vaccines required will assist in breaking transmission of Delta variant of Indian variety.
Covid vaccines in London
About 367,000 additional covid vaccines have been ordered. These covid vaccines can be administered by young individuals safely. The covid vaccines issue has been specifically highlighted by Mayor sadiq Khan.
As world-population is rising, covid vaccines should be significantly increase. London has minimum level of achieved covid vaccines as compared to covid vaccines in europe, although 7.8 million covid vaccines are being administered by londoners everyday.
London needs 6m vaccines
About 3.6 m of covid vaccines will be required to achieve Boris Johnson’s covid vaccines target in about five weeks from now. This will contribute in increase covid vaccines use, as two-thirds of population to administer covid vaccines.
Reach 6m to open up london
To open up london, Mr. Khan stated that covid vaccines roll-out must significantly rise.