This video comes from one of my Facebook friends and is advertised as “Shrek Karaoke dance party in Milanese [dialect]! With historic Milanese songs for those fed up with the same old Napoletan karaoke.
”So for an insight into the Italian language, here is a series of Milan dialect songs, with the classic nasal sound of this dialect from Northern Italy; and songs from Giovanni d’Anzi, Enzo Jannacci, Cochi & Renato, Nanni Svampa, Tognella e Alberto, Milly, Valter Valdi, and F.
I Gamba de Legn.
The grand finale of the video is the song “E, La Vita, La Vita” by Cochi e Renato.
After the jump you can take a look at the English lyrics of the chorus to this traditional Italian song.
All thanks to Michele for putting the Shrek video up for us to have a giggle.
E, la vita, la vita, by Cochi e RenatoE, la vita la vitae la vita l’è bella, l’è bellabasta avere l’ombrella, l’ombrellati ripara la testa,sembra un giorno di festa.
E, la vita la vitae la vita l’è strana, l’è stranabasta una persona, personache si monta la testa,è finita la festa.
And, life, lifelife is beautiful, life is beautifulAll you need is an umbrella, an umbrellaTo cover your headIt’s like a party.
And life, life,life is strange, it’s strangeAll you need is a person, one personWho raises his head,The party is finished.