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Custom motorcycles at the Verona Motor Bike Expo 2012 – Gallery Pt.1

Verona’s Motor Bike Expo has a reputation in Italy for the astounding number of custom motorcycles, choppers and cafe racers that every year show up at this event, coming from every corner of the world.
Many of these bikes have been designed and built by specialists with the specific goal of showing up there and make an impression on all enthusiasts and fellow artists alike.

Here is a first lot of pictures of some of these bikes, a first installment of the models that caught the attention of our mates from Motoblog.
Just looking at them we can feel the passion and dedication that their makers have put in their work, and we obviously have the utmost respect for what they do.

Part 2 and part 3 will follow soon.
View the full Custom bikes at the Motor Bike Expo 2012 – Part 1 photo gallery

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