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Sexy bikers

Brolly girls rule the paddock at Jerez GP

15 March, 2020
It’s been some time since we published a gallery of MotoGP’s finest looking paddock and grid girls, and since the race at the Spanish GP was hot in more ways than one, we’ve decided to give a chance to look…

Paddock Girls from WSBK Valencia

15 March, 2020
Friday morning wake up call with a gallery of pics of the Superbike grid girls from the Valencia, and if these aren’t enough to whet your appetite, you can head over to our friends at Bike Channel by clicking here…

2012 Moscow Moto Park: images and report

14 March, 2020
The 9th edition of the Moscow International Exhibition Moto Park has just closed its doors registering yet another record of attendance. The event took place last weekend at the Crocus-Expo IEC and is regarded as one of the most important…

2012 EICMA in Milan: girls photo gallery (Part 1)

14 March, 2020
All the stunning new bikes currently on display at the 2012 EICMA show in Milan, Italy, are not the only beauties delighting the attendants. Here is the first installment of our massive photo gallery dedicated to the nice hostesses spotted…

WSBK, Phillip Island: the Paddock Girls

13 March, 2020
The first round of the 2013 World Superbike Championship surely provided us with tons of excitement and thrills, but races and bikes weren’t the only nice things to watch in Phillip Island. With the first race of the season in…