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Trekking in Italy by night with snow shoes

The traditional snow shoeing by moonlight event in Italy, the “Caspolada al chiaro di luna” will take place in the Alta Valle Camonica at Vezza d’Oglio this year on February 7, though it is just one of many night time snow shoeing events in the Italian alps.

The ciaspole, or snow shoes, are provided by the organisers of the event.

The program includes registration and equipment pick-up from 10am, and a late afternoon meet at the local gym in Piazza IV luglio 1866.
At 7pm the trek commences and finishes about an hour later with dinner and prizes at the Centro Eventi Adamello.

The event has gained in popularity and last year included 4,000 participants.
The cost varies from 10 to 20 euros depending on equipment and dinner.
Another “ciaspolata”, or snow shoeing at night is in the Valmalenco, in the Valtellina region.
The event takes place on February 7 and 8 from the Alpe Palu ski resort in Chiesa in Valmalenco, and includes dinner in a mountain hut to taste traditional Valtellina cuisine, and a night in a Bed and Breakfast or hotel.
For more information go to the Sondrio tourism site.

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