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Italian mountains

Italian ski resorts open for night skiing in Italy

24 April, 2020
In some Italian ski resorts, you actually don’t get the opportunity to be the last on the slopes, hiking down the hill in your ski boots because the chair lift closed early. In some alpine Italian ski locations, the slopes…

Night skiing in Italy: snow shoeing in Emilia Romagna

18 April, 2020
You can do your last skiing in Italy this month and a particularly spectacular way of finishing the ski season is with a snow shoeing expedition by night. At Comprensorio del Corno alle Scale a ‘ciaspolata‘ expedition by the light…

Study in Italy: Università della Valle d'Aosta

7 April, 2020
I would say if you’re interested in skiing or hiking, then you’ve come to the right place - if you’re not that focused on studying, that is. If you are, the Università della Valle d’Aosta is well known for languages,…

Hiking in Italy with Vibram soles

5 April, 2020
I have a pair of Vibram soles on my walking boots and so I can attest to their sturdiness. When I bought them, a long way from Italy, I didn’t know they were Italian until their arrival in Italy when…

Dolomites trekking with snow shoes

4 April, 2020
Winter in Italy for 2009-2010 follows the same trend of snow shoeing as last winter. It’s an activity lost in the snows of time, and isn’t like skiing, nor like walking. In Italy, the activity is called “ciaspolare” and it’s…

Visiting Italian alps: carnival in Trentino

27 March, 2020
With so much snow in Italy, this year’s Carnevale, or Carnival time before Easter, will be one to spend skiing in Italy, in the Italian alpine regions. An enchanting place to go is Sant’Orsola, Frassilongo and Palù del Fersina in…

Trekking in Italy by night with snow shoes

26 March, 2020
The traditional snow shoeing by moonlight event in Italy, the “Caspolada al chiaro di luna” will take place in the Alta Valle Camonica at Vezza d’Oglio this year on February 7, though it is just one of many night time…

Pictures from Italy: Dolomites aerial photograph

20 March, 2020
Everyone has their own Italian landscape love affair, whether it be the tame, olive-groved countryside of Tuscany, the Mediterranean blue of Campania or the more dramatic mountainous landscapes of the north. This beautiful aerial photograph of the Peaks of the…

Last snow in Italy: Valtellina Madesimo excursions

20 March, 2020
After low temperatures and even some more snow over the Easter break, a little excursion through the Valtellina in a snow mobile could be just the thing to enjoy the snow-white landscape of the Italian mountains, but with warmer temperatures.…