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Snow shoeing in italy

Night skiing in Italy: snow shoeing in Emilia Romagna

18 April, 2020
You can do your last skiing in Italy this month and a particularly spectacular way of finishing the ski season is with a snow shoeing expedition by night. At Comprensorio del Corno alle Scale a ‘ciaspolata‘ expedition by the light…

Dolomites trekking with snow shoes

4 April, 2020
Winter in Italy for 2009-2010 follows the same trend of snow shoeing as last winter. It’s an activity lost in the snows of time, and isn’t like skiing, nor like walking. In Italy, the activity is called “ciaspolare” and it’s…

Trekking in Italy by night with snow shoes

26 March, 2020
The traditional snow shoeing by moonlight event in Italy, the “Caspolada al chiaro di luna” will take place in the Alta Valle Camonica at Vezza d’Oglio this year on February 7, though it is just one of many night time…