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Homemade limoncello with a twist: recipe for cream of limoncello

We’ve already shown you how to make limoncello, with our homemade limoncello recipe, and now we look at the creamy limoncello variety, “crema di limoncello”.
It has a less alcoholic taste and still served cold, can be a lovely refreshing alternative to a drink that some people may find too strong.

It’s a bit like a slightly alcoholic and creamier lemon sorbet, to give you an idea.
‘Crema di limoncello’ can be used as the classic after dinner digestivo or amaro, or it can even be used as a companion to dry desserts.

You can still serve it very chilled, in frosted glasses, making it a good way to clean and refresh the palate after a meal.
To make crema di limoncello you need 9-10 freshly picked lemons, preferably not treated with pesticides as they need to be as flavoursome as possible, 2.
5 litres of long life milk, 2.
5 kg of sugar, one vanilla sachet, one litre of alcohol.
Preparation: wash the lemons, cut away the skin and leave the flesh to marinate in the alcohol for about ten days, in hermetically sealed containers.

When the lemons are ready, boil the sugar in the milk for about five minutes on low heat and add the vanilla.
Leave to cool.
Mix the lemons and alcohol together with the milk and when mixed, strain the mixture and then bottle.
The crema di limoncello needs to be kept in the fridge, although the milk mixed with alcohol should still last a while.

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