Movistar+ will premiere the 9th season of the international hit series 'Dexter', which has multiple Emmy and Golden Globe nominations.

This autumn Movistar Plus will premiere season 9 of the series ‘Dexter’. An epilogue of ten chapters that will try to explain the sins of the serial killer, which led him to his horrible end.
This will be the 9th season of ‘Dexter’
This miniseries will try to please all those fans who were disappointed with the closure given to the protagonist’s story in the eighth season, and who didn’t quite understand it either. All of them can be reviewed on Amazon Prime where they are already available.
The ten episodes have once again featured the well-known executive producer Clyde Phillips along with Michael C. Hall, Bill Carraro, Scott Reynolds, John Goldwyn, Sara Colleton, and Marcos Siega.
Also present was the writer of the saga of novels on which the series is based, Jeff Lindsey, who was only present for the first four episodes and who is looking to give Dexter the ending he believes it deserves.
It is worth remembering that in the last episode of the series, Dexter was found bleeding to death on his boat, and poetic justice was meted out to him. Although the creators of the series were always clear that the end they wanted to give him was not that, but that after going through all his victims, he would be condemned and executed by order of justice by means of a lethal injection.
What will season 9 of ‘Dexter’ be about?
The protagonist will be Michael C. Hall again, also will appear the actor Clancy Brown whose character will be called; Kurt Caldwell, in charge of the control of the city of Iron Lake located in the north zone of New York. In which Dexter Morgan resides.
Another of the new characters will be a podcaster specialising in tracking and narrating crimes, and a Native American sheriff.
Dexter, for his part, acquires a new identity ten years after his supposed end. The killer hides behind the personality of a sales agent who calls himself Tim Lindsay, a tribute to the author of the saga of novels.