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The Judge denies Britney to remove her father as conservator

The nightmare continues for the pop-star singer. The judge rejected her request to end the conservatorship, also her father is kept as her conservator.

If you’re a Britney fan you’ll already know the story, but if not, here what happened to catch up. In 2008 Britney Spears had two mental breakdown following the divorce with her – at the time husband – Kevin Federlin.

Since then she has been recovered for mental health issues and under conservatorship control. Therefore, it’s been 13 years that Britney has no control over her finances and life choices. Her father, Jamie Spears, has been her conservator for years until November when, for health issues, he needed to step down.

As a consequence, Jodi Montgomery the singer’s care-giver, replaced the father on a temporary basis. Due to this experience, Britney asked to make Montgomery permanent and to remove her father as conservator for ever. But this request has been denied by the Judge.

What brought Britney to ask to remove her father as conservator

It’s been a week since when Britney appeared in court and asked to end the conservatorship. It was the first time the singer took stances on the issue. She described the conservatorship as ‘abusive’ during her dramatic testimony. Indeed, she explained her silence till now was due to the shame this experience made her feel. Later on she also apologized with her fans for not sharing.

Furthermore, Britney explicitly asked to remove her father as conservator, and while priorly a bit of hope that the request could come true, now it had been denied. The legal document by Judge Brenda Penny states:

The conservatee’s request to suspend James P Spears immediately upon the appointment of Bessemer Trust Company Of California, N.A. as sole conservator of estate is denied without prejudice.

The singer received a type of treatment which is usually reserved to very old and infirm people; which undergo several metal breakdowns. Despite the singer well recovered, once again she’s going to be still trapped in this nightmare. Her dream to have a baby with and marry to her boyfriend Sam Asghari, will need to wait.


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