Categories: Science & Technology
22 May, 2020 4:05 am

Top five tips for better photography


© Pamela Rodriguez-Wallace Example of good lighting and filling the frame, Sedona, Arizona
© Pamela Rodriguez-Wallace


All cameras are fitted with an automatic focus feature, make use of it. Auto-focus is very sophisticated these days and occasionally beats the human eye when it comes to focusing on an object.


Lighting is probably the most discussed and least understood feature of photography. If you are shooting in full sunlight, watch for shadows on faces.


To eliminate any shadows, use your on-board flash. The subject should not face the sun fully, this causes squinting. The sun should be over the photographer’s shoulder, or off to the left or right of the subject.

The best time to shoot outdoor photography is either early morning or late afternoon. The sunlight is less harsh during these times which helps avoid "blown out" photos. These are spots that are washed out white.



· Rule of thirds – This rule helps to centre your main focal object into a pleasing position within the picture. Simply imagine a tic-tac-toe grid over your camera lens and place your object on any of the intersecting points.

· Leading lines – Leading lines do just as you might think; they lead the eye into the picture. This technique can be used with sidewalks, streams, tree branches or anything that winds its way into your picture.

· Horizon – Keep the horizon in your composition level.

Minimize Camera Shake

You can stabilize your arms on a stationary object or you can use a tripod to lessen camera shake. This is more important when photographing at night because your lens is open slightly longer to let in more light, therefore it is more susceptible to any small movement.

Fill the Frame

In this situation, closer is almost always better. Fill your frame with whatever or whoever it is you are photographing. This leaves no room for doubt about the story you are trying to tell with your photo.

Practice the tips listed above and experiment a bit with angles and perspectives. Soon you will see improvement in your photography skills.

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