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Santa claus

Santa Claus chooses new transport: a Harley-Davidson

15 April, 2020
Santa Claus will be delivering presents this year with a Harley Davidson, rather than traditional sleigh, at least according to this video. It looks like Rudolph can go into retirement as Biker Claus is here. This video comes from Harley…

Santas on bikes photo gallery

8 April, 2020
Christmas 2012 is gone and we really hope that all of you, our readers, had a great time with your beloved ones. In order to join the celebrations in our usual style, here is nice collection of images picturing some…

Photo of the Day – Rossi in Rosso

21 March, 2020
This is the closest that Valentino Rossi is going to get to wearing red and only during winter test ban and at Christmas, but according to the Italian gossip rags Santa Claus needs someone fast to help deliver Christmas presents.Thanks…