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Electric naked with 100 mile range: the Brammo Empulse unveiled

17 April, 2020
Electric motorcycles are the new cool and this Brammo street-fighting naked electric bike proves the point. The Brammo Empulse, as it’s called, apparently has a top speed of about 160 km/hr and comes in range-differentiated models. The 6.0 goes the…

Brammo Empulse to be unveiled in May

9 April, 2020
The next 8th of May is the day chosen by Oregon-based manufacturer Brammo to launch the long awaited street legal version of the Empulse, an all-electric naked bike based on the Empulse RR racer that won the 2011 North American…

Brammo acquires off road tracks network Quantyaparx

16 March, 2020
Electric motorcycles manufacturer Brammo Inc. has announced the acquisition of the off-road riding center network Quantyaparx from KOM Enterprises. General interest in electric vehicles has grown so much in recent years that now there are dirt tracks networks that are…