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14th-century fresco discovered in Rome

24 April, 2020
An old and precious fresco was discovered in Rome yesterday by a group of workmen who were redoing a room at the famous Campidoglio; the experts are now trying to give a name to its talented author; apparently the precious…

Organic gardens for Michelle Obama's visit to Rome

20 April, 2020
The US first lady Michelle Obama will inaugurate a new organic garden in Rome as part of a move to promote organic food and sustainable food economy in the Italian capital. The popularity of having your own veggie patch is…

King Abdullah & Queen Rania's State Visit to Italy

15 March, 2020
King Abdullah II of Jordan and his wife Rania are in Italy on a state visit; two days ago the royal couple visited Rome’s Campidoglio where the beautiful Queen was presented with two silver pieces by Bulgari and the king…