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Sexy italian showgirls

Former Miss Italy Francesca Chillemi poses sexy for Fox Uomo

9 April, 2020
Former Miss Italy Francesca Chillemi, after leaving behind her role as a carabiniere in a famous Italian soap opera, shows off her hot body for the April’s issue of Fox Uomo Magazine. Surrounded by luscious strawberries, the brunette in her…

Sexy Italian Minister Mara Carfagna captivates American bloggers

31 March, 2020
The American blog MyGalleryWorld came across Mara Carfagna’s hot pics and fell instantly in love with her. Here’s the post from the blog:Mara Carfagna - the most beautiful minister in the world!Mara is an Italian politician and former showgirl. After…

Valeria Marini's sexy photoshoot for Maxim

18 March, 2020
Italian showgirl Valeria Marini shows off her super curvaceous body for Maxim magazine; in the accompanying interview the blonde bombshell reveals that despite the tendency of some to treat her as a sweet little thing, she can be quite aggressive…

Daniela Martani, the Italian air stewardess turned showgirl

14 March, 2020
Air stewardess Daniela Martani made headlines all over the country when Alitalia, Italy’s largest airline, risking bankruptcy, started to lay off its workers; she was snapped at Fiumicino Airport holding a noose and railing against the carrier! Her popularity got…