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Mediterranean dishes: stuffed aubergine recipe

This great Italian vegetable dish uses one of the staple ingredients from the mediterranean: aubergines.
This recipe can be used for a family meal or as snack food at parties, to complement other dishes.
Ingredients: small, round eggplants, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, sliced cheese, minced tuna or meat (for mixing and to amalgamate the mixture), oil, salt and chilli.

Preparation: wash the eggplant, chop off the stalk and scoop out the flesh.
Mince the flesh and fry it slightly in a pan with oil, a pinch of salt and one chilli.
When the mix has cooled, add the tomatoes, chop the mozzarella into cubes and add the mince mixture.

Paste the interior of the eggplant with some oil, fill the shell with the mixture, cover each with a slice of cheese and put in the oven.

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