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Silvio Berlusconi's showgirls for European Election

The pictures you see are from Chi Magazine and show the three showgirls Silvio Berlusconi has chosen to represent his party in June’s European Election (from the left, manager Lara Comi, 26 years old; former tv host Barbara Matera, 27 years old; and hospital manager Licia Ronzulli, 33 years old); a choice that has caused quite a stir here in Italy.

Here ‘s a small excerpt from their interview:Question: Silvio Berlusconi’s wife, Veronica Lario, said that it was a shameless choice and of course she was talking about the showgirls running for the next European Election.
What do you think? Miss Comi’s answer: First, there are no showgirls onto Berlusconi ‘s list.

Second, the wall between public and private should never be pulled down!Miss Matera’s answer: No Comment.
I call myself out of it.
Miss Ronzulli’s answer: Mrs Berlusconi fell into a media trap

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