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Britain with Plan B, Tory MPs rebellions

Tory rebellion today amid outrage at 'non-sensical' new Covid rules and PM's handling of the No10 Christmas party debacle.

Britain with Plan B, Tory MPs rebellions

Boris Johnson initiated Plan B measurement to control the spread of the Omicron variant last night. The decision should be decided after the infection is now duplicated and NHS could be incapacitated.

Britain with Plan B, Tory MPs rebellions

Millions of office staff will be encouraged to work from home from Monday. Also, masks will be needed in theatres and cinemas. Covid passports are being submitted for nightclubs and large venues.

However, Mr Johnson highlighted that office Christmas parties should keep going.

Frantic businesses have groused that the regulations for venues do not make any sense.

Tory rebellions were not only about the Plan B

The decision, not only made a business complaint but Tory also rebellion.
Tory rebellion today amid outrage at ‘non-sensical’ new Covid rules and PM’s handling of the No10 Christmas party debacle.

Tory can make PM leave?

Dozens of Conservative MPs are now intimidated to rebel over the measurement when a Commons vote is held next week. Meanwhile, backing from Labour means the government will still pass.

The scale of the harm to the Tories from the partying acknowledgements thinks the PM should leave.

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