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Italian desserts

How to make Italian sweets: canestrelli biscuits from Liguria

23 April, 2020
Now we’re getting serious. Our Italian recipes have brought you everything from Napoletan dish “gattò” to homemade Nutella, but this is perhaps our first proper sweet. Called Canestrelli, these biscuits are made in the shape of ringed flowers and are…

Italian spring recipes: fresh fruit tart

22 April, 2020
Many Italians celebrate birthdays and other important events with a large fruit tart made from shortcrust pastry, custard and fresh fruit. Called a ‘crostata alla frutta’ you’ll often find it considered a traditional Italian dessert, and as we’re now in…

Italian dessert recipes: panna cotta with amaretti biscuits

22 April, 2020
Italian desserts are many and varied but one of my favourites is the traditional panna cotta. It’s light and can be adapted to anyone’s taste, served with forest fruits or chocolate, and today we look at panna cotta with amaretti…

Tiramisu variations: mascarpone and maraschino Italian dessert

21 April, 2020
There’s nothing like a traditional tiramisù to finish an Italian meal, but the original Italian dessert also lends itself to many variations. Here we present you with a variation of the classic tiramisù: a mascarpone and maraschino mix. It’s definitely…

Italian dessert recipes: almond crunch for carnival

19 April, 2020
Italian desserts are many and varied, featuring biscuits, pastries, pies, tarts and of course, the tiramisu. But one time of year that really showcases Italian sweets is carnevale, the last party time before lent (traditionally a time of fasting) starts…

Dessert from Sicily: homemade cannoli

18 April, 2020
This is one Italian dessert recipe which, when made at home, will certainly impress your guests, and can be considered the icing on the cake of your Italian Christmas dinner. Like any pastry, getting this part right is the trick,…

Christmas cake with nutella: Italian Christmas recipes

16 April, 2020
This Italian recipe takes a traditional Christmas cake and adds a Nutella icing for something even more gluttonous than the usual Italian Christmas food. It’s not difficult to make and you’ll certainly add a touch of hearty calories to your…

Italian Christmas recipes: homemade nutella cookies

11 April, 2020
We’ve got a wonderful Italian winter treat for you with these easy, homemade nutella cookies. With temperatures dropping, there’s nothing like a little chocolate to get you in the mood for snow and lazy Sundays by the fire. These biscuits…

Italian recipes: Bustrengo cake from Romagna

10 April, 2020
Bustrengo is a delicious cake from Romagna and Marche. Actually it’s most famous recipe is from a small village called Borghi in the hills around Cesena; it seems that every housewife in this old village has her own secret recipe…

Carnival in Italy: the festival of Carnevale di Tivoli

10 April, 2020
It’s nearly Carnevale in Italy where carnival time marks the start of the period of Lent, 40 days before Easter. Obviously the Venice Carnevale is the most famous, although for Italians, the Carnevale of Viareggio is also an important celebration.…

Italian Christmas recipes: coconut tiramisu

10 April, 2020
The traditional Italian dessert of tiramisu is so simple that it’s one of those great dishes which lends itself to variation. So today we bring you tiramisu with a twist - coconut tiramisu for an Italian Christmas recipe. It’s also…

Traditional Italian Christmas recipe from Umbria: walnut crunch

5 April, 2020
This yummy Italian Christmas recipe comes from Umbria and is a kind of walnut crunch called “le nociate”. Walnuts are frequently to be found in Italian cooking in various regions, including “nociate romane” from Rome and “copete ternane” from Terni,…

Italian pastry: nutella triangles for Christmas

26 March, 2020
With this easy Italian recipe we continue our nutella treats for the Christmas season in Italy, if you want to branch out beyond your traditional tiramisù or Italian cakes. These are nutella-filled triangle pastries and if you use ready-made puff…

Italian desserts for summer: lemon mousse

25 March, 2020
Italian desserts for summer range from the classic gelato to semifreddo (great if you haven’t got an icecream maker) and they also know how to do a good mousse as well. This Italian recipe uses the traditional product of lemons…

The panettone tradition: real panettone for your Italian Christmas

24 March, 2020
Italy’s Christmas tradition wouldn’t be complete without panettone. The large, Italian sweetbread is an absolute protagonist in the Italian Christmas lunch, being the favoured dessert during festive times. There are essentially two types of panettone - the boxed panettone that…

Traditional Italian recipes: homemade zabaglione

19 March, 2020
The secret’s in the zabaione… In old Italian folklore, the story goes that zabaglione is an aphrodisiac; guaranteed good bedroom performance on the part of your man is the result of an Italian dessert of zabaglione.So if you’re looking to…

Italian ricotta pie from Campania

17 March, 2020
If you were lucky enough to spend your Italian Easter in Naples, you may have had the chance to taste this traditional Neapolitan recipe from Campania - ricotta pie. Called la pastiera, the Italian dessert is made from shortcrust pastry,…

Italian dessert recipes: castagnaccio or chestnut pie

15 March, 2020
I tasted this chestnut pie just a few days ago while in Val d’Aosta for a short break and I loved it, so here’s its recipe! Don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie!Ingredients: 500 g chestnut flour; 100 g raisings;…