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Who is Giorgio Trabaldo? What is his story? And how much he makes…

Giorgio Trabaldo who is he? what is his story? And how much does he earn. From the pandemic crisis to the dropshipping

Giorgio Tribaldo
Giorgio Trabaldo who is he? what is his story? And how much does he earn.

Class of ’98, a native of Turin and a graduate in business administration. He is 1.75m tall, weighs 65kg and is very athletic.

His best year? 2020, when in the midst of a pandemic he managed to leverage online sales to triple his turnover. Apparently, however, reaching 300 percent was not an achievement for Giorgio Trabaldo, more a milestone on his entrepreneurial road that is only in its infancy, but is promising, very promising.

A lover of money, doing business , his experiences in everyday life and in marketing, the young entrepreneur makes no secret of it. Serving as his personal diary open to the public are his Instagram and Youtube accounts, from which overflow educational and value-filled videos, capable of spurring his peers (and others) to get moving, do something to improve themselves, not remain static and live (really) the life of their dreams.

He may be the mark of his generation, more open-minded and inclined to sharing than his predecessors, but Giorgio Trabaldo keeps nothing for himself, from achievements to how-to’s to get to making money. Or “To making lots of money, old man!” as he addresses his community.

Constantly touring the world, invited to events by the millions and hosted by youtubers with millions of followers, influencers, long-eyed entrepreneurs who have already realized the value and potential of what, on paper, is a 24-year-old boy.

“All this success, within a few years … but how will he have done it?” wonders the old guard. That Italian entrepreneurship that keeps its secrets all to itself because watch out, to keep young people going you risk earning less and less.

But Giorgio Trabaldo has very few secrets: he loves pink, he likes people and animals indiscriminately, and he has a moped he calls Jessie. And then he works, and a lot (even 18 hours a day), but never from the same place. He prefers to live to the fullest while helping others do the same.

‘I solve problems,’ Giorgio likes to say. Between private consultations, meetings with third-party companies, and events he is called upon to speak at, Giorgio is focused on dramatically improving the performance of those he works with.

And here, another sore point: “…but how much does someone like that make, for always driving around in fancy cars and breathtaking houses?”

Some people actually asked him point-blank and didn’t mind. It happens, when you speak bluntly – as Giorgio does to his audience – it happens that someone feels entitled to ask questions that smell more like barroom chatter and minding other people’s business.

But when it happens, Giorgio looks his interlocutor straight in the eye, flashes a smile all irony, and replies:

“The point is not how much money I make…the point is what problems I solve for people and businesses… ‘which is no small stuff, old man!”

Having said that, we know from reliable sources that with his sales organization, which now numbers more than 5,000 people, he generated more than 22 mln in sales last year, personally grossing figures of even more than 200,000 euros/month from his primary business model.

That’s right, this is Giorgio Trabaldo, 24 years old, and a life to be discovered.

For more info: https://instagram.com/giorgiotrabaldo?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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