In the interview given to A magazine, Michelle Hunziker, talks at length about the role of women in politics.
Women – she says – should unite and work together effectively on common causes and this independently from their political faith! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Minister Mara Garfagna and Alessandra Mussolini could collaborate and work together towards solving simple things? That , after all, is what Giulia Bongiorno and I do with our foundation which works to end violence against women.
Michelle Hunziker’s volubility ends abruptly when the interviewer swichtes to another subject: her love life.
She doesn’t want to talk about her fiancé Italian actor Daniele Pecci.
“Whenever I talk about my private life, I end up alone; so I won’t talk about it, it brings me bad luck!”Michelle Hunziker sulla copertina di A