Love Island and X Factor presenter Caroline Flack was found hanged in her home in Stoke Newington. Six months after, the inquest revealed the handwritten message she left.

The death of Love Island and X Factor presenter, Caroline Flack, shocked the British audience when it took place on February 15. The inquest revealed she left one final message.
Caroline Flack left a suicide note
The TV presenter was found hanged in her home in Stoke Newington, north-east London, by her twin sister Jody and her hairstylist friend Louise Teasdale.
Flack was due to stand a criminal trial for assaulting her boyfriend former tennis player Lewis Burton. She completely denied the allegation and was said to be devastated by the accusations. Today the inquest revealed more details of that horrific night.
The first witness heard was Stephen Teasdale, father of friend Louise, as he was called at the scene after Jody Flack called asking to help as she could not enter Caroline’s home. He said: ‘We came to the flat and tried to force entry. We thought about phoning the police but knew the landlady … We got the key and let ourselves into the flat.’
‘I brought her (down) and Jody started CPR. We were giving CPR for somewhere between five and ten minutes, then the police took over.’
A paramedic found a handwritten note on her coffee table that read: ‘I hope me and Lewis can one day find harmony’.
Caroline’s mother, Christine, today left a statement criticizing the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for pursuing the case.”I believe Caroline was seriously let down by the authorities and in particular the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) for pursuing the case. .. This was a show trial. I feel the prosecutor was unkind to Caroline and my family. I was threatened with arrest when I tried to speak”. Caroline’s psychiatrist also left a statement, confirming the TV presenter had been utterly devastated by the allegations against her. “I was told that Caroline was in the middle of a media crisis and could not sleep. She was incredibly distressed and needed some sleeping aids. ..Prior to the message I wasn’t aware of who she was. I was escorted to her room – she was very distressed and tearful. She was scrolling the media reports on her phone.”
“I spent much of the time listening to her concerns about the current media storm, her relationships and her family. Her mood appeared low with a reactive effect, for example, every time her phone notified her. ..She reported having panicky feelings all day … a sense of impending doom. ..She said she had been drinking excessively to numb herself. ..She said sleep had been impossible.”
Today Flack’s boyfriend, Lewis Burton, said: “The last time he saw Caroline she was very upset, in fact, devastated, she was not in a good place emotionally. ..The media were constantly bashing her character, writing hurtful stories … generally hounding her daily”. Burton also said Caroline was extremely concerned about the police case and about losing her TV presenter job, all added to the break-up.
Christine Flack as well highlighted how the prosecution case was unjust, she said: “The result of the media attention of this hearing forced Caroline to leave her home which she loved. ..Through all of this Caroline was told not to speak, not to tell her side of the story. ..The only person who was hurt that night was Caroline. .. An awful picture was sold to the press, Caroline was told not to speak while all the time her heart was breaking. She lost the job she worked so hard at”.
“I was with her the weekend before her death, in her new flat. ‘When I said goodbye to her that day I never thought it would be for the last time. “I kissed her and she said: ‘bye mum’. ..I was called on Saturday lunchtime to say Carrie (Caroline) had died. … She was heartbroken.”