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Elon Musk: “Bunch of people who are going to Mars will probably die”

The billionaire Space X boss is confident about six years from now that the humans on Mars can form.

Elon Musk spoke to Peter Diamandis on April 22 about his warning that the first people who are going to Mars might die. His statement also shut down claims that going to Mars would be an escape for rich people.

And Musk also exposed that the first Mars explorers would endure the less than pleasant time.

Elon Musk: “Bunch of people who are going to Mars will probably die”

He also added that people might die because it is uncomfortable and barely have good food.

The journey will be difficult and risky. It has a possibility that people who go to Mars may not come back alive in the beginning.

The 49-year-old man also admitted that the journey to Mars is not for everyone, but they might have a glorious adventure and amazing experience. It’s not his first time making a clear statement that the mission to Mars is not a cakewalk for those involved.

Elon Musk mentioned at a virtual ‘Humans to Mars’ that “Getting to Mars is not the fundamental issue. The real fundamental issue is building a base, including building a city on Mars. I want it to be self-sustaining. We’re going to make a fuel plant, an initial Mars base, Mars Base Alpha. After that, making it to the point where it’s self-sustaining.”

He also added that he wanted to highlight the journey is a hard, even difficult thing for the faint of heart. Musk expected that humans on Mars by 2026 and wanted about a million people to live on the planet by 2050.

The billionaire Space X boss is confident about six years from now that the humans on Mars can form. With the details are the Earth-Mars will have synchronization. It occurs every 26 months. So if they get lucky, they want to send an uncrewed vehicle there in two years.

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