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How to choose allergy-free bedding

© quinn.anya (Flickr) Bedding
© quinn.anya (Flickr)

Each person has a unique trigger. One may have allergies over wool while another with using cotton. Besides looking at the design, the thread count, the size and the price, it is also important to carefully read what material and finishes were used to make the fabric.

A number of fabrics are also more prone to promoting the growth of dust mites or particles of dead skin, which are other possible triggers for allergy.

There are several types of fabrics used in making bed sheets and pillow casings.

One of the more common is cotton. Untreated cotton is rarely a trigger for allergies. What can sometimes trigger the reaction is what was used to process the material. Using harsh detergents can also set off a similar reaction so it may be important to try using milder soaps when washing the sheets.

Silk is another fabric worth considering. This type of bedding is prized for its soft, sleek and smooth texture. Much like cotton, silk rarely triggers a reaction. The natural composition of the material also inhibits the growth of dust mites or the settling of dead skin cells. It does not absorb sweat but helps regulate the individual’s body temperature.

Wool is a natural material but only a handful of sheets use the organic type. When in doubt, check the label to see how the material was processed. If this does not help, consider other fabrics instead.

When it comes to bedding, always consider natural fabrics. These may cost more than sheets made with synthetic fabrics but give a better chance of giving the person a good night’s rest.

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