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Italian art exhibitions: Milan photography

An art exhibition in Milan is likely to cause some furore which, knowing the Italians, will probably be a storm in a teacup.
I myself, am personally interested in the Nuovi Volti di Milano or “new faces of Milan” exhibition, and would be happy to see it.

The Italian photographic exhibition includes shots from Lorenzo Pesce and Alex Majoli and includes images of foreigners in Milan.

In the cloisters of the Rotonda di Besana, the exhibition shows moments of the everyday lives of foreigners in a city where they are grudgingly accepted, but rarely welcomed.

Inspiration for the exhibition comes from Milan’s transport system in all its diversity, much like Ben Harper on a Milan bus.
Migration to Italy is a highly sensitive topic right now, and the Migrart show will become a blog and online community where anyone can post videos, audio material, images and stories.
The project comes from a study on multi-ethnic integration in Italy and I truly believe that this is exactly what Italy needs right now – a voice for its foreigners.

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