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Lorenzo Lotto exhibition at Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome

With his essay on Lorenzo Lotto, art historian Bernard Berenson re-established Lotto’s fame and accorded him the position in the history of art that he thoroughly deserves.
He was the first Italian painter to reveal on the faces of his sitters the lights and shadows of their inner life, the turmoil beneath the surface.

He had a strong, singular vision which was not understood by his contemporaries who would prefer Raphael or Titian to him.
Now the city of Rome is hosting a major exhibition dedicated to his extraordinary art, putting on display such invaluable masterpieces as the altarpiece for the church of Saint Domenico and the famous Madonna of the Rosary.

Lorenzo Lotto at Scuderie del Quirinale The exhibition will run until June 12 In the Gallery:Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Andrea Odoni, 1527, Hampton Court, Collezioni reali;Recanati, Pinacoteca civica Polittico di Recanati, 1508;Asolo, Duomo La Vergine assunta tra i santi Antonio abate e Ludovico da Tolosa, 1506;Bergamo, chiesa di San Bernardino in Pignolo Madonna in trono con il Bambino e i santi Giuseppe, Bernardino da Siena, Giovanni battista e Antonio abate e angeli (Pala di San Bernardino)1521;Bergamo, chiesa di Sant’Alessandro della Croce Trinità, 1523-1524 circa;Brescia, Musei Civici d’Arte e Storia Adorazione dei pastori, 1534 circa;Lorenzo Lotto, Nozze mistiche si Santa Caterina con il donatore Niccolò Bonghi, Bergamo – Accademia di Carrara – Accademia Carrara – GAMeC, Bergamo;Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto del vescovo Bernardo dé Rossi, 1505 Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte©Photoservice Electa-Anelli , su concessione del Ministero per i beni e le Attività Culturali, Milano;Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Lucina Brembati, 1518 circa Bergamo, Accademia di Carrara-Accademia Carrara-GAMeC, Bergamo;Lorenzo Lotto, Triplice ritratto di orefice, 1530 circa Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Gemäldegalerie-Foto Austrian Archives-Scala, Firenze;Ponteranica, chiesa dei Santi Vincenzo e Alessandro Polittico, 1525;Recanati, Pinacoteca civica Annunciazione_1534-1535;Treviso, Pinacoteca Civica Dispensiere domenicano, 1526.

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