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Great exhibitions in Rome: "Fabrizio De Andrè" at Ara Pacis

From 24 February to 30 May, a great restrospective dedicated to an important Italian singer and poet Fabrizio De André will take place at the Ara Pacis in Rome.
The exhibition, set in one of the most central (and beautiful) area of Rome will give the public the unique opportunity to get a closer look at Fabrizio De André ‘s extraordinary work: multimedia installation will take visitors through the most important stages of his career; making them explore the ever -expanding universe of this talented artist from Genoa.

Organised by the Colettivo Studio Azzurro which has collected all his works, the exhibition ” Fabrizio De André.
La mostra” starts 24 February in Rome, a week after what would have been De André ’s 70th birthday.

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