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Give Thanks to the Earth With a Sustainable Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Traditionally, during Thanksgiving Day, celebration and reflection are two essential topics to share with your relatives and friends. In accordance with modern times, when your arrange your party, remember Earth protection and protests. As a result, sustainability has absolutely to play a leading role.

Here is how to ornate your home and prepare the table.

Organizing a Sustainable Thanksgiving Day at Home

First of all, when you intend to arrange your party, and especially, Thanksgiving Day meal preparation remember asking guests about food intolerances and ethics.

Nowadays, new food trends could hard reconcile with traditions. Very often, it is humans and environment money, time and energy waste. Before buying and then cooking food, make sure of beering conditions. Furtheremore, thinking about the main course, that is the gorgeous turkey not forget to be aware of birdseed.

Once you have planned your meal, by then, you can start thinking about how to ornate your home. Again, in which way you will set Thanksgiving Day table. Like this, your aim will be getting sustainable home and table.

To decorate home:

  • Wearths: for example, make them to ornate doors and rooms. Preparing wearths, as follow: dried oranges, pumpkins, pine cones, cinnamon sticks, chestnuts, and in the end, some Autumn colored leaves;
  • Scented candles and the fire: according to the previous list, selected those aromas, for instance. Not forget that using candles or lighting the fireplace, you will save energy.

To arrange the table:

  • Napkin rings: using cut toilet paper rolls and paint them;
  • Plastic-free cutlery and bottles: prefer those to save the planet.
  • Place cards: make them by scrap workplace paper.

Say Thanks to People and the Earth

Celebrating Thanksgiving Day at home is an excellent possibility to reduce pollution. Suggest your guests coming by electric buses or by bycicles. This celebration is a good chance to stay at home all together. But, according to modern times, it is vital to focus our attention on the environmental protection. For both these reasons, if your guests follow your eco-friendly behavior, we hope they will continue the same at their home. Next, start collecting waste with your relatives and friends.

Hence, you can divide attendees in three groups:

  1. The first devoted to paper;
  2. The second focused on plastic;
  3. And, the third one, on organic waste.

As we said before, we have to bear energy saving and heating reduction consumption, in mind. According to that and to traditions, some typical parlor games are organised, as scrabble. On the other hand, they play board games, like chess.

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