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Easy Italian recipes: Tomatoes and mozzarella au gratin

Today we have a tasty recipe easy and quick to prepare: tomatoes and mozzarella au gratin.
Ingredients: 300 g tomatoes; 300 g mozzarella; 300 g brown bread; basil; 2 garlic cloves; butter; oil and pepper.
Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180° c.

Next slice the tomatoes and do the same with the mozzarella and the bread.

Next put the oil, basil, garlic and salt and pepper in a cup and stir for a while.
At this point toast the slices of bread and place them sideways in a buttered dishing dish.

Intersperse the bread with slices of tomato and mozzarella.
Done this pour in the dressing and cook for 15 minutes.

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